Guten Tag Sweet Friends!

Yesterday, Sue and I drove to Bonn to play bunko with the FedEx ladies. If you’ve never played bunko before, it’s a dice game that requires absolutely no skill whatsoever, usually played by women who need an excuse to get together and drink! 🙂 I’ve played in many bunko groups over the years and this seems to be the universal theme – food and wine. You do actually play, eventually; and there are prizes involved as well. Everyone puts a certain amount in the pot, yesterday it was 5 euro, and at the end it’s divided up and prizes are given out for this and that.

The object of the game is to roll three dice hoping that one or more of the die is the number you’re rolling for, e.g. 6’s or 2’s or whatever. No two groups have the same set of rules, so you just have to figure out what the rules are as you play. Some groups roll for 6’s the entire time and some vary the number each round. It really doesn’t matter; as I said, it’s mainly just a reason to get together to eat and drink – mostly drink. And yesterday was no exception! We were supposed to be there at 11 AM, eat at 11:30 AM and start playing at Noon so we could finish by 2 PM because most of the women have to pick up kids from school. Well, the drinks were flowing at 11 AM but we didn’t start eating until Noon and we didn’t start playing until after that so as I said, rules are loosey-goosey and sometimes created on the fly 🙂

Anyway, it was a fun day, and I actually won for the most number of big bunko’s (3 of the same number on the die rolled together) and most wins – 20 Euros!!! WOOHOO!  Sue and I had agreed that I would drive us back to Koln so she could drink without worry. Now keep in mind that 1) I’ve never driven in Germany or Europe, 2) I don’t have a German driver’s license, and 3) I have no idea where we are or how to get back! BUT, I was sober and the designated driver, so I agreed.

Fortunately, her car is equipped with GPS and the voice of “Betty” who calmly directs you every step of the way. Unfortunately, the first route she took us on was closed and we had to turn around while she recalculated. On the second route, there was an accident so we were delayed about 20 minutes. Other than that, we made it home just fine and I felt like a local navigating the highways with the voice of Betty in my ear. So it was a first for me and now I feel confident that I can drive in Europe, well at least Germany where they drive on the right side of the road, literally! 🙂

Today, I’m packing for Paris and printing our tickets and itineraries. But first, a yoga class to get my zen on and pick up my new mat!

Namaste y’all!!!


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