Ya’ssoo Sweet Friends!

Well, the sunny skies and beautiful weather did not last through the weekend. A cold front has moved in along with high winds and rain.

Saturday, we took a trip into town for more provisions and lunch. While the temps had fallen, it was not yet raining so it was a pleasant day.  We went to the grocery store, the butcher, the baker and the pharmacy. We also had lunch at a local cafe. Since there was no vegan food on the menu, I had a small order of fries. Yes, I know, not my standard lunch, but it was the closest thing to vegan they had or at least that I could communicate. We bought veggies and animal food for the dogs and cats along with a nice big bone for Pablic. He was very happy when we returned!

On the way back, we stopped at the well, a natural spring that serves the small number of people on this side of the island. It’s beautifully clear, clean and cold water that is free for the taking. We filled not only our personal water bottles, but also our very large water tanks that we keep in our respective apartments for drinking water. The water from the tap is somewhat brackish and not drinkable, so we have to keep our big 3 gallon tanks filled for drinking water. I can’t imagine having to walk miles every day to find clean drinking water and carrying that water back on your head to your village. Yes, I was getting my own water but I was also driving and only had to carry the heavy buckets from the well to the car and then into my flat. Not a huge amount of effort, only a mere inconvenience.

Alex is a friend of the family who owns Delenia and he is staying here with us. He invited some of his friends over for the weekend, so we had the company of two couples, two dogs and one additional young woman over the weekend. Alex is half Greek and half Brit, so his English and Greek are both excellent. His friends spoke English as well but when they gathered round the fireplace after dinner with their ouzo, it was only lively Greek being spoken. They were a very fun, fast-talking and lively group that stayed up until 2 AM every night laughing, talking and drinking. Needless to say, I did not provide them company; by 10 PM I was gone nite nite! But they were sweet and welcoming and wonderful cooks. We enjoyed several great home cooked meals when they were here so I was personally delighted!

Today was a very wet, cold, windy, dreary day. We kept a fire going in the fireplace all day and I stayed in bed watching two movies and dozing all afternoon. Now, it is Sunday evening and I’m writing my post and checking email. The chicks have been fed and put to roost; the cats, dogs and Tardu are all hunkered down for the night as well. We are enjoying soup, bread and the fireplace before going to bed. I have no heat in my little barn apartment but I have plenty of blankets so hopefully I will stay warm. I guess I could just stay in the big house next to the fire and sleep with the cats. Listening to the wind and rain outside, that sounds like a pretty good idea at the moment!

I hope your evening is warm, safe and dry. I hope you are surrounded by friends, good food and clean water. Good night from Greece my friends!

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