Guten Tag Sweet Friends!

Yesterday was Friday and I ventured out on my own for the first time. Armed with a cart and bags, I set out for the Tues/Fri farmer’s market closest to our flat. We went to same spot on Tuesday, but this would be the first time to go by myself. I had a list of items to purchase including fruits, veggies, muesli, student food (trail mix), and a bath sponge; so I had several stops to make. Also, I was to stop by an antique store we had visited earlier in the week to finalize the delivery of a dresser for my room.

First stop, antique store to make purchase and arrange delivery. Thomas the owner speaks pretty good English so I’m not too worried. After a little bargaining on the price, we agree and begin to discuss delivery. He agrees to deliver the piece that evening at 6 PM. DONE, and I got a discount!! WOOHOO!

Next, the farmer’s market to purchase food. I found the market easily and the guy at the espresso cart waved as I approached. He asked if I wanted my kaffee and I was greatly impressed that he remembered me and my order. I’m learning the various levels of bio or organic farming here. Organic or bio farming and subsequent food production is highly regulated and monitored and strict standards must be met, although there are always loop holes to take advantage of and companies certainly do. Farmer’s proudly display their EU organic and German BIO logos on their banners at farmer’s markets and all the food is local or at least regional. It’s asparagus season, both white and green, so everyone is purchasing fresh asparagus, including me. I end up with two bundles of asparagus, eggplant, apples, blueberries, spinach, arugula, red and yellow bell peppers, broccoli, yams and beets. Another WOOHOO!

Next, I head to the Euro Store (same as the Dollar Store) where everything is 1 EU, to pick up a bath sponge; but before going I spot an Aldi Store and decide to have a look. We have Aldi’s in Memphis so I was familiar with them. One cool thing they have is this built-in-the-wall bread machine. You select the type of bread you wish to purchase, push a button and the bread pops out in a few minutes all hot and toasty ready to bag. It smelled divine, no accident I’m sure, and everyone was stopping to make a purchase. I love exploring stores and looking at products. It’s always an adventure!

I make it to the Euro Store and after entering, this woman talking on her cell phone runs up to me and hands me my wallet. Apparently I had dropped it between Aldi and the Euro Store. This wallet, more of a small zip up cloth bag really, included all the Euro’s I had received as gifts from friends and co-workers in Hawaii and totaled over 400EU. I almost fainted. I had no idea I had dropped it; don’t remember getting it out, but she found it and followed me in the store to return it. I felt overwhelmed. I thanked her profusely and she smiled, nodded and ran out still talking on her cell phone. I felt so grateful and fortunate and blessed. WOW, that would have been a disaster and I would have been devastated. It is heartwarming to know that kindness surrounds us no matter where we go on this planet. WOOHOO!

I got my bath sponge and began heading back to the flat feeling happy that I didn’t get lost and thankful for a stranger’s kindness. It was a very good morning! The rest of the day was spent cooking, juicing, napping and writing. After receiving the dresser that was procured earlier, we stayed in and watched The Great Gatsby in 3D! With our 3D glasses on and two big bowls of popcorn, I was completely delighted at the quality of the 3D on the TV. WOW!! who needs a movie theatre!! WOOHOO!!

First five days have been hugely successful and I’m feeling good. Today is a beautiful, sunny but still cold day. We are heading to a party later tonight to watch fireworks over the river. More later… until then, Auf Wiedersehen friends!

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