Guten Tag Sweet Friends,

On Thursday, Nancy and Sue took me to the IKEA store. It was my first IKEA experience, and I have to say WOW. Just WOW. I’ve had several people tell me repeatedly, “I wish we had an IKEA store here; they have everything.” Some of my Memphis friends would drive to the store in Atlanta just to bring back a car load of stuff. This place is insane! It’s two HUGE floors of home and household stuff. It has everything you need for the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, patio/garden, kid’s playroom, closets and every storage option know to man. Seriously, I’ve never seen so much STUFF.IMG_4827

Now, I’m all about divesting myself of stuff, not acquiring. Stuff is highly overrated in my opinion, and people become way too attached to their stuff instead of other people. We are so busy acquiring things we want, not need, we forget that the time and money spent might be better allocated elsewhere. It is, after all, just stuff, things that provide comfort and convenience – yes – but not usually things that bring any true meaning to your life.

Don’t get me wrong, there was a time not too long ago that I loved my stuff, and I was all about acquiring more of it. And I like to be surrounded by nice things that make me happy – good sheets, scented candles, pictures of beautiful places, etc. But, I’ve sold everything and moved twice in the past 4 years, and I have to be honest, I don’t miss my stuff. I don’t regret getting rid of anything. I kept photo albums, letters, cards and drawings that my son did when he was a child; but I don’t consider these stuff. These are priceless, irreplaceable mementos and remembrances that I treasure. These are not included in the sell-all, divesture of things. These things are saved in boxes in my attic waiting there, collecting dust, and I will go through them one day and be happy I saved them.

So, when I was at the IKEA store, I felt overwhelmed by it all. I didn’t see anything I needed, and really only a few things I wanted. I ended up buying a mesh strainer, a very large salad bowl and salad spoons, a garlic press, an eating tray (requested by my roomie), a mirror and shower shelf for my bathroom, and two Euro shams for my bed to add some color to the room. Now, none of these things I needed, especially the shams; I have been doing just fine for over a week without them, but I succumbed to the pressure. I will of course enjoy my purchases and appreciate their functionality (especially the salad bowl), but I don’t really feel the need to go back to IKEA. Once was enough for me. The pressure was just too much. 🙂

Looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend in the comfort of my well-appointed new home. Yes, stuff is highly overrated, but it sho is nice sometimes!! Have a wonderful weekend my friends and enjoy life!



2 thoughts on “IKEA Madness

  1. I’ve been to IKEA when I lived in California. I enjoyed that store. I always wished there was an IKEA in Hawaii, but with our shipping costs it wouldn’t be the same shopping experience. What we REALLY need is an awesome 2 story electronic/camera store.

  2. I love Ikea, the one in Portland is 2 stories, and the one in Seattle is just 1. But the most fun I have there, is watching the people. Oh, and my husband, as he’s always telling me, We just don’t need that “Stuff”.

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