Guten Tag Sweet Friends!

Well, today was the big day – the day I went to the Foreigner’s Office to apply for my residency permit. If you’ve been reading, you know that my visa expires on July 28th so I have until then to get approved for residency.  After weeks of pulling together documents, registering for school, obtaining a German bank account and German health insurance, this morning, I felt ready to brave the German officials.

I went this morning at 8:30 AM to get in the queue. After about an hour I was called back to a gentleman’s office. He questioned me for a few minutes on why I needed to reside in Germany and what I would be doing here, where I would be living, etc. He asked for my documents and then he handed me another application to complete. Apparently the one I printed from the internet was an old version or not the correct version. He left the room, returned and began going through all my papers again and reviewing the new application. Everything was going ok it seemed, and although he was not pleasant, he seemed to be preparing my residency card. And then. And then. AND THEN, he looked at my school registration and he said that I need registration for the entire year or at least through December. In other words, my little summer course was not good enough for residency. I need to register for the fall course and come back to him once that is done. He did not give me an extension on the July 28 deadline, and said I have plenty of time, no problem.

Well, at that point, I broke down. In my mind, everything I had done was for nothing. All my research failed me and I was going to get kicked out of the country. I started to cry. I mean cry. I rarely cry, even in the worst of times; but once I start, I can’t stop. It’s like opening the floodgates. I was biting my lip and trying to stop, but it would not stop. In my head, I was being refused forever. He kept saying, just register for more courses and come back to me with your  registration and it will be fine, no problem. He felt a little sorry for me I guess, and kept saying, it will be no problem. I asked if they were going to kick me out and he said, nein, nein, not at all. You have plenty of time. Just come back before the 28th and it will be no problem.

So, I left and went to class, but I was still very upset and still could not stop crying. It was pitiful. I know I looked like someone had died when I walked in to class two hours late. So after class, I asked the instructor if I can sign up for class in September and he said yes, he will sign the papers tomorrow. Once he approves, then I can register for the class and then go back to the Foreigner’s Office and show them my registration and hopefully it will not be a problem.

I know this was not a huge setback. It’s not a setback at all. I just have to show that I’m really going to school and in it for the long haul. I just have to pay more money and go back and show them my registration. But this morning, it was the last straw. I have been so stressed about this and I was nervous about the interview and so when he told me I had to do more and come back, I had a melt-down. So stupid. Yes, logically, this is not a big deal; but emotionally, it was a slap in the face. Why did I let this cause such a melt down? I guess it was just a trigger. Perhaps I just needed a good cry and this was the trigger. I don’t know.

I feel silly now. I feel stupid even writing about it,, but I know I have many friends out there who will completely understand what happened. How a life or death crisis won’t bring tears to your eyes, but missing the bus or subway will cause a melt down. I don’t understand it. All I know is it’s true. All I can hope is that my crying is done. The tears are gone and I am drained for now. Life goes on. Life is good. Life is what it’s all about. Or as my friend BD says, itz all G.

Hope your day is all G Sweet friends. Tschuss!


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