Guten Tag Sweet Friends!

IMG_5207As I type, the last remnants of a huge thunderstorm glow on the horizon. Since we had a late night last IMG_5209night with friends, we decided to stay home tonight, watch a movie and go to bed early. Usually it doesn’t get dark here until almost 10 PM, but about 8:30 PM the room darkened considerably; so much so that our new candle holders were casting beautiful dancing shadows across the room. I commented that it was getting dark early and about that time, two doors slammed shut simultaneously and made such a huge noise we thought it was a gunshot on the surround sound. We ran to the back as the wind really picked up and began trying to close windows. The cross winds had a wind tunnel effect and getting the doors and windows closed was no small effort. Then the real show began. Lightening and thunder ripped across the sky. The river had waves, like real waves billowing across the usually flat surface. I fully expected a funnel cloud to appear across the river! And then, just a suddenly as it appeared, it was almost over. The wind died down, the waves subsided, but the lightening continues on the horizon. Sirens can be heard outside and I fear something was struck. It has been quite the show!

But up until the storm, it was another gorgeous day here. I walked about 3 miles down the river and after lunch I lay in the sun reading. It was a very lazy day. Today was a holiday here in Germany. I think it was related to Pentecost but I’m not sure, so everything was closed. The Germans have a LOT of holidays! So people were out along the river all day walking, running, biking and roller blading. Cafes were full and eis cafes were hopping!

Michaelangelo's Madonna and ChildTonight we watched The Monuments Men, the story of 6 men who were enlisted to recover stolen works of art during WWII. The art was stolen by the Nazis and a lot of it was recovered thanks to these men. One of the pieces of art featured in the movie is Michelangelo’s Madonna and Child sculpture housed in the Church of Our Lady in Bruges. I saw this sculpture when I was in Bruges a couple of weeks ago, but it now has much more significance to me. Knowing that a real person lost his life trying to save it makes my seeing it even more special.  Also, all the Rodin sculptures we saw in Paris and the Mona Lisa and the statue of David in Florence that I saw so many years ago – all have new meaning for me. The movie also brought to life many towns here in Germany, towns where battles were fought and people died. The movie won’t win any awards, but it’s based on a true story – one that I was unaware of until now.

Tomorrow we leave for our Mosel Valley road trip!! Castles, palaces, cathedrals and small villages await at every turn. The pictures I’ve seen look like a fairy tale!!

I hope your day is a wonderful fairy tale with a happy ending!! Goodnight and sweet fairy dreams!

One thought on “We’re not in Kansas anymore…

  1. Weezie, your blog is inspiring and educational. I love sharing your experiences. Keep it up.

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