Bonsoir Sweet Friends!

Popeye cruiseToday I sailed around the island to Plage du Lotu via le Popeye, a water taxi/ferry that offers service to the secluded beach. You can only get to the beach via boat, horseback or foot; I opted for boat. It was another cloudless sunny day in Corsica, the water was flat and clear and the wind was low, so a great beach day!

After breakfast with Jean Claude, I packed up my sack with sunscreen, towel, book, food and water and drove to town. The 10 AM ferry was almost full once a group of about 30 school kids raced on board. We sailed a little after 10 AM and arrived on the beach about 10:20. The water was so blue and so clear, you could see the bottom at 100 feet. The sun danced off the waves as we made our way to the dock. It was, in a word, dazzling! The pix just don’t do it justice; it was truly spectacular.Plage du Loto (5)

The beach was indeed secluded with only a few hikers around. I made my way to the far end of the beach, past the cows and away from the gaggle of kids playing. Uh, yes, cows. When I say the beach is secluded, I ain’t kidding! I had to dodge cow patties along the way!! When I made my way to the end of the beach there were only a few people there, so I set up camp. I quickly made my sun pallet and put my tunes on, slathered on the sunscreen and went to my happy place!

I love feeling the warm sand on my back, the sun on my face and the tunes in my ears. It’s the one time that the voices in my head are hushed and everything is quiet. I stop thinking. It’s Plage du Loto (2)wonderful, so peaceful when the voices stop 🙂 OK, I’m kidding about the voices, but sometimes I wish I could stop thinking about the past and the future, checking to see what time it is and remembering where I have to be. I’m not on a schedule anymore; and yet I worry about being late or missing something. I’m reading Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth, given to me by my sweet friend Nadia, and I’m trying very hard to experience the NOW that he talks about. I’m simply trying to be present and not think about the past or future. It’s truly an amazing book, and I highly recommend it. He also wrote The Power of Now, which for some reason I could not get through; but I love this book. Weird. So, again, I’m trying to stay in the present moment and realize the power of now. It’s hard to do, really hard, and I know it takes practice – so I’m practicing with my yoga, my beach time, my meditations, etc. Baby steps indeed!

Enjoy your NOW sweet friends. Enjoy your present moment right now!! Bonsoir!

Plage du Loto (6) Plage du Loto (4) Plage du Loto (3)

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